This post will tell you what are the best horse breeds for barrel racing to win on.

Barrel racing is a thrilling and competitive equestrian sport that requires agility, speed, and precision from both the horse and rider. Barrel racing is a very popular event and top barrel racers earn hundreds of thousands of dollars every season. If you are looking to get in on the action you may be wondering what are the best horse breeds for Barrel Racing. When it comes to choosing the best breed, several factors come into play. The horse needs speed, has to have the ability to turn tight, and have a good temperament. Here are some of the top breeds known for excelling in barrel racing:
Breeds for Barrel Racing
Quarter Horse is the #1 Best Horse Breeds for Barrel Racing
Hands down the Quarter Horse is the most popular breed used for barrel racing. Quarter Horses are known for their speed. They were bred to run the quarter of a mile sprint race at the fastest speed. Quarter horses were also bred to work cattle. They are quick and agile and able to turn quickly think of a cutting horse. They have powerful hindquarters, low centers of gravity, making them well-suited for navigating tight barrel patterns.
There are different bloodlines of Quarter horses for different western disciplines. If you are serious about winning at a rodeo it is important to choose the right bloodlines. Running bred quarter horses are your best bet. Stockier cow horses are okay for local gymkhanas but they probably won’t be able to perform as well as a horse specifically bred to barrel race.
Quarter horses with the speed and an ability to turn quickly have excelled at barrel racing, but you probably already know that. If you are looking for other breeds to consider for barrel racing there are plenty of good choices that can earn you a check at the rodeos.
Lisa Lockhart and Levee are the 2023 NFR Aggregate champions.

Paint Horse
The Paint Horse is similar to a Quarter Horse in many ways, Paint Horses are also favored in barrel racing circles. They possess the speed and athleticism needed for quick sprints between barrels and can handle the sharp turns with ease. Most paints have a lot of quarter horse bloodlines in them and have all the great qualities of a quarter horse that are needed for barrel racing. They also look fancy and many people like to ride a flashy horse.
Chicks Keen O PocoPoo aka Paint She is a mare that is all cowbred

Appaloosas have a distinctive coat pattern. They can be spotty all over or just on their hind quarters. They can also be a solid color with no spots. Appaloosas are another excellent choice for barrel racing. They combine speed with endurance, allowing them to maintain their pace throughout a race while maneuvering around barrels efficiently. Appaloosas have a lot of quarter horse blood lines in them.
Angel Rae Miller and Mother OfAll Dragons

Thoroughbreds are the fastest breed of horse. They are usually raced on a track over long distances, much longer then a barrel pattern. They can excel in barrel racing due to their speed and competitive nature. Thoroughbreds can cover long distances quickly, but their taller, longer lanky bodies can sometimes be harder to train to turn tightly. The tight turns are important for the fastest time. If you are considering buying a thoroughbred for barrel racing choose one that is flexible and turns easily. Look for one that has a powerful hind quarter that can push off quickly after the barrel. Thoroughbreds are fast learners and can adapt well to the demands of barrel racing courses.
Hayle Gibson and her OTTB mare Rambunchkie, aka “Ruby.”
Photo Credit: Kymberlee Nelson

Arabians may not be as common in barrel racing compared to other breeds, but they shouldn’t be overlooked. They are known for their stamina, intelligence, and willingness to perform, making them capable of mastering the barrel pattern with the right training. I have seen some wonderful Arab and Arab cross Quarter horses that were winners. They seem to enjoy competing and are more commonly seen at gymkhanas then at rodeos. Every horse is an individual and if you see an Arabian that possesses all the qualities need to barrel race then you will have a winner.
Tao Li trains Arabians (and wins) numerous pole bending and barrel racing competitions.

Pony of America is Best Horse Breeds for Barrel Racing for Small breed
Pony of the Americas (POA): POAs are a versatile breed known for their athleticism and agility. The (POAs) are closely related to Appaloosa’s. They stand 11.2 and 14 hands high which is perfect for children who want to get in to barrel racing. While they may not have the same speed as some larger breeds, their compact size allows them to navigate tight turns with precision, making them competitive in barrel racing events. There is very little the Pony of the Americas can’t do thanks to its strong and balanced conformation, intelligence and reliable temperament.
The Arizona POA Club hosts events that include pleasure classes, reining, jumping, barrel racing, and lead line, just to name a few.

Conclusion for the best horse breeds for barrel racing
When selecting a horse for barrel racing, it’s essential to consider not only the breed but also individual temperament, training, and compatibility with the rider. Each horse is unique, and with proper care, training, and teamwork, any of these breeds can excel in the exciting world of barrel racing.
Have you tried barrel racing. What breed have you competed on? Leave a comment below.
Check out this helpful post here on how to set up the barrel pattern and train a barrel horse.